A downloadable storygame

It's summertime somewhere in the middle of America, and there's electricity in your bones. It must be something  like what makes geese fly south and what makes cowboys ride into sunsets. Then you hear the voice of God.

GODTALKER NOBODY is a journaling game for a single player that requires the following items:

  • A 52-card deck, split by suit.
  • Two six-sided dice (2d6)
  • This sourcebook
  • A pen & paper, or electronic means of writing your journal
  • A half-hour or so of your time. 

Before the journaling itself begins, you customize your Prophet, their God, and the basics of their story.  From there, gameplay is split into four weeks that details the Prophet's arc- Wealth, Warmth, Weather, and Woe. Each week is broken up into between five and seven days (depending on how much time you have), and each day is broken into an Omen and a Situation. The situation may have you roll 2d6 against your Flight score, where your Prophet stands between Heaven and Earth, to determine what happens. 


GODTALKER NOBODY playbook.pdf 337 kB


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i love this game so much ♥


The amount of times I have played through this is too many to count I just keep coming back to it, between the themes and scenarios I'm just hooked 


really liked this - the atmosphere and the writing on the prompts is great. I meant to write short journals, but ended up with over 5k. definitely recommend! 


Godtalker Nobody is a very attractive and efficient game: you play (alone) an average somebody who suddenly finds himself a prophet, and you follow his journey through the United States as omens and strange situations fall upon him. It's really not far from a Neil Gaiman atmosphere, and it's damn good.